Attn JMS: No female lead in season finale?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Aug 13 07:26:34 EDT 1997

From: Ray Martinez <waverider at>
Date: 10 Aug 1997 04:25:42 -0400
Lines: 18


               Since Claudia is gone, and Lochley apparently will not
be appearing until Season 5 starts, doesn't that leave "The 
Deconstruction of Falling Stars" without a female lead? I am wondering
how you will overcome this problem. I heard you mention that you
like to maintain a gender balance without being politically correct,
and I really like that a lot. I'm hoping you can pull another rabbit
outta the ol' hat for TDoFS.

         thank you,

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 Aug 1997 07:07:51 -0400
Lines: 20

>Since Claudia is gone, and Lochley apparently will not
>be appearing until Season 5 starts, doesn't that leave "The 
>Deconstruction of Falling Stars" without a female lead? I am wondering
>how you will overcome this problem. I heard you mention that you
>like to maintain a gender balance without being politically correct,
>and I really like that a lot. I'm hoping you can pull another rabbit
>outta the ol' hat for TDoFS.
>         thank you,
>               Ray

Ray, Mira...Mira, Ray.

Interestingly, in terms of episodic structure, lead being determined here
by who's dominant in the story, there is NO lead in that episode, male or

Trust me on this one.

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