ATTN JMS: Contragulations on finishing establishing your record

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Aug 13 07:31:36 EDT 1997

From: jmathis at (Joel Mathis)
Date: 11 Aug 1997 19:12:54 -0400
Lines: 16

I just worked it out.  If we stop counting with the cooperative between 
you and Harlan Ellison, you have scripted 53 consecutive hours of a 
television series (57 if you count the two TV movies).  That's a record 
that will not be duplicated for a long time.  Have the Guinness people 
been nice enough to list you?  Would you ever try to break your own 
record?  Can you picture anyone else trying to?

Well, it was great when you scripted one whole season, but now that the 
writing streak is over, it is an impressive body of work that will leave 
a mark for a long time.

Joel Mathis
Vote in my weekly Babylon 5 poll at
This week, vote on Best Supporting Actress.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Aug 1997 00:54:43 -0400
Lines: 8, I'm just tuckered....


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