ATTN JMS: What now with the final ep?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Aug 13 07:41:44 EDT 1997

From: shaque786 at (SHaque786)
Date: 11 Aug 1997 16:44:05 -0400
Lines: 11

This must have been discussed before, but I cannot find an answer
anywhere!  So, please humor me.

The final episode of the entire series has been filmed, but since Ivonova
is no longer a character in season 5, what will you do?  

Will the series finale have to be re-shot to incorporate the replacement
character into the story?  That would cost a lot of money!

I read this newsgroup regularly, but I prefer responses by e-mail so I can see them faster.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Aug 1997 13:56:00 -0400
Lines: 7

>Will the series finale have to be re-shot to incorporate the replacement
>character into the story?  That would cost a lot of money!

Nope, the episode works just fine as is.

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