ATTN JMS: Rebelcon Reflections (brief!)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Aug 13 07:36:41 EDT 1997

From: Laura Gillenwater <tworks19 at>
Date: 11 Aug 1997 16:21:31 -0400
Lines: 33

I just got back from the weekend at Rebelcon, and I'd like to say a few
quick things to you...

1) Thank you *so* much for the phone call. I'm sure that everyone there
really appreciated it - I know I did! And it meant I got to finally hear
the Peter/Andreas revenge story...everyone has been so good about not
spoiling it in the newsgroup that when I saw you weren't coming I
thought "Now I'll *never* find out what happened!" Also, I hope you
could hear all the warm applause, laughter, and other reactions coming
from the audience over the speaker phone...

2) John Flinn did a *lovely* job speaking at the convention - you'd
never know it was his first! You would have been very proud to see him
in action. Stephen was a delight too. And both of them had only the most
reverent, respectful things to say about you.

3) It was great to hear you agree to come to Rebelcon next year - I've
already bought my membership for 1998!

4) It's probably old hat to you by now, but I wish you could have been
there to see the love that all the attendees have for what you've's really quite amazing.

Okay, that's enough - I know you have work to do... But I do have one
question - is there anything you wished you had said on the phone, or
anything that you would have liked to say or do had you been there in
person that you didn't get to on the phone?

Okay, I'll shut up for real now... ;-)

See you next year!


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Aug 1997 01:05:43 -0400
Lines: 16

>I know you have work to do... But I do have one
>question - is there anything you wished you had said on the phone, or
>anything that you would have liked to say or do had you been there in
>person that you didn't get to on the phone?

Can't think of anything...I think I've heard nearly every question by now.
 But the phoner was great fun, thanks.


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