JMS how will yo manage to avoid "Where's Ivonova" "Oh she went on

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Aug 17 06:13:13 EDT 1997

From: "Russell J. Fletcher" <gimplimp at>
Date: 16 Aug 1997 16:59:03 -0400
Lines: 37

I was *very* happy you responded to someone else's question that the finale
will end up
ok the way that it is.  The question occurred to me as well but I was too
chicken to post the
question and now I *have* to say something because another question replaced
that one.

I certainly don't want a spoiler, but if all of season 4 was shot before the
problems concerning CC
and the beginning of shooting season 5 happened how are you going to avoid
lines like

"1st Person      ' Where's Ivonova?'
2nd person       'The Captain sent her on a mission.'  "

(although you have successfully wiggled out of every problem so far and I
have enjoyed B5
 a great deal).  Thank for the show, the response, and the thought that your
show induces.

>From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
>Date: 12 Aug 1997 13:56:00 -0400
>>Will the series finale have to be re-shot to incorporate the replacement
>>character into the story?  That would cost a lot of money!
>Nope, the episode works just fine as is.
> jms

Russell Fletcher  gimplimp at  .   .

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Aug 1997 19:25:01 -0400
Lines: 23

>I certainly don't want a spoiler, but if all of season 4 was shot before
>problems concerning CC
>and the beginning of shooting season 5 happened how are you going to
>lines like
>"1st Person      ' Where's Ivonova?'
>2nd person       'The Captain sent her on a mission.'  "

Two ways: one, we'll actually be able to deal with this in 421 by changing
just a few words in a particular'll know it when you see it. 
In 421 you'll know where she's going to be for the next year.

Also, in 505 and elsewhere, we do have some talk about Ivanova, not just
thrown in, but as explanation for Lochley's arrival and the like.


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