ATTN JMS: Six Flags B5-themed attractions?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Dec 7 06:16:38 EST 1997

From: macdave at (Dave Martin)
Date: 6 Dec 1997 15:41:16 -0700
Lines: 31

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Considering Warner Brothers owns the Six Flags theme parks, and have
infested the parks with their cartoon and comic book-based characters in
themed rides, are there any plans for Babylon 5 related features? Or, a
definitive "no way" from either Babylonian or Warner?

Houston's AstroWorld has its ancient SkyWay, which will take one from one
corner of the park to the other. I can just imagine replacing it with
something along the lines of the Mars tube rail or the B5 core shuttle. The
terminus at each end would have various Babylon 5 items and decor, maybe a
Vorlon encounter suit that "Vorlonifies" what is said to it, or dispenses
random fortunes ("What did it mean, 'whistle tweet You have always been

Or BabCom terminals around the parks, where visitors can view an online
map, see current line lengths on the various rides, inquire about schedules
for shows or other special events, find restaurants within the park, etc.
Maybe even allow people to leave messages for each other--kids "checking
in" so their parent know where they are, for example.

True, none of it would require a B5 theme, but it would add to the show's
visibility (though TNT is doing an excellent job of advertising).

Or would you consider such a thing to be inappropriate (or worse, too much
like what Paramount is doing with Star Trek)?

* Dave Martin * macdave(a) or dbm(a) * Texas A&M *

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 7 Dec 1997 00:15:28 -0700
Lines: 16

No, no plans for any kind of B5 attraction or park.  Some folks from Vegas came
to us with an idea, but I nixed it for the same reasons I asked for the
withdrawl of the B5 shot glasses from Creation, I just don't think lining
something up with a Vegas operation is emblematic of what B5 stands for.

What we *are* working on is something still in the development stage, which is
a B5 showscan ride, the sort with the moveable seats, high-speed
high-resolution film and a high-definition big screen you find at places like
Universal Tours or elsewhere.  Here we could do something artistic, very
exciting, with a lot of extreme CGI and put  you in the middle of a big Shadow
battle on Mars, through the atmosphere of Jupiter, and ending at B5.

Heck, I'd ride that one.

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