Attn: JMS -- Psi Corps pins

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Dec 23 06:23:55 EST 1997

From: "Judith R. Conly" <jrconly at>
Date: 20 Dec 1997 21:49:44 -0700
Lines: 7

Any idea when Psi Corps pins will become available at the Emporium?  I'd guess
that the Emporium is unlikely to be updated until after the New Year.  That's
OK.  I'm not *really* in a big hurry.  I'd just like to know, so I can stop
checking the site every day.

Judith (who is really truly *not* obsessed -- much)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 22 Dec 1997 08:45:43 -0700
Lines: 13

The Psi Corps pins are in, have been in for a couple of weeks now, and they're
just gorgeous...I don't know why they haven't been added to the Emporium yet,
they should be there now or soonish.  They're absolutely the same as the ones
we use in the show, same as with the Earthforce pins.

Among the crew, so far the Psi Corps hats have turned out to be the most
popular...they're buying 'em up fast.

BTW, down the road there may be a limited edition of the Psi Corps pins signed
by Walter....

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