ATTN JMS: When do you feel most at home?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Dec 23 06:39:47 EST 1997

From: babylon at (Jeff Bauer)
Date: 20 Dec 1997 21:58:01 -0700
Lines: 23

	I think we will all agree that JMS has worn more hats than
anyone involved in a TV series of late...or EVER, for that matter.

	Which brings me to the question;

	When do you feel most at home during the creative process of
the show?

	Is it on the set...getting your hands dirty...actually seeing
your vision come to life?

	Or is it while you are writing...actually giving such
wonderful life to the characters that inhabit that vision?

Jeff Bauer

Keeper of Jeff's Babylon 5 Update Page

And The Storekeeper at
"The Sci-Fi Bookstore" in association with

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 22 Dec 1997 08:45:21 -0700
Lines: 23

>When do you feel most at home during the creative process of
>the show?
>	Is it on the set...getting your hands dirty...actually seeing
>your vision come to life?
>	Or is it while you are writing...actually giving such
>wonderful life to the characters that inhabit that vision?

First and foremost, I'm a writer.  That's not just what I do, it's who and what
I *am*.  So of all the things I do, that's when I'm most in my element.  John
Flinn can beat me on stage in composing a shot, John Copeland can configure a
fight scene better in editing than I can (most days), Chris Franke can come up
with touches in music that I would never think of...

But behind the keyboard, nobody can touch me.  (Hmm...I wonder what my
subconscious would make of that statement; I think I just said more than I
wanted to.)  

Anyway...this is where I'm at home.  My goal is real simple: to write better
than anyone who can write faster than me, and faster than anyone who can write
better than me.

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