Attn: JMS -- Say cheese!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Feb 5 06:35:12 EST 1997

Subject: Attn: JMS -- Say cheese!
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb  4, 1997: jackieross at (J Ross)
*  2: Feb  5, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jackieross at (J Ross)
Lines: 12

RE: Not smiling with award in hand

>I hate cameras.  I'm mind-bogglingly unphotographic.

There are vast legions of females who beg to differ!
Then again, we like you the way you are, and if that's without a smile,
then so be it. On the other hand, I like looking at you, but given the
choice, I prefer to READ you! <woof>

Jackie Ross


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Suddenly this whole photographic/photogenic discussion has taken a
frightening turn....


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