ATTN JMS: promised end vs. non renewal

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Feb 15 06:25:48 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: promised end vs. non renewal
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 13, 1997: "Holger Klawitter" <holger at>
*  2: Feb 14, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "Holger Klawitter" <holger at>
Lines: 31

Hi jms,

first of all thank you for your totally mind blowing story. I did not expect
that anything on TV could gripe me that much. I do not even mind the horrible
German dubbing (In SD "finest single moment in my life" became "quite a
surprise" :-( IknowIknow, you can't do anything about it).

AFAIK there are two possible futures for Babylon 5.

1.) renewal => 5th season => YES!
2.) no renewal => the important arc stuff of season 5 goes into 4 and
	the rest goes into some movies. (By the way, what kind of movies
	are being planned? Big screen movies or (just) TV movies?)

As B5 has started as a stunning good story and is evolving as a stunning
good story, I dearly hope that these (ultimately) financial hassles won't
spoil the whole thing as your story can't end appropiately. (You promised
us Babylon 5 blowing up, didn't you?)

As you seem to be very quiet about the possible futures, here is my question:

	What do you *want*? :-)


"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?"
  --H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, 1927.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 22

"As you seem to be very quiet about the possible futures, here is my
	What do you *want*? :-)"

To tell stories.

It's all I've ever wanted.

As for the future of B5, whatever happens...I proved that it could be
done, when the Industry said it couldn't.  What I set out to achieve, I've it's just surviving the last stages of it all.


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