JMS or Kenneth Branagh?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Feb 19 06:10:04 EST 1997

Subject: JMS or Kenneth Branagh?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 17, 1997: news at
+  2: Feb 18, 1997: apbtjs at (Aaron P. Brezenski)
*  3: Feb 18, 1997: jmsatb5 at AOL.COM (Jms at B5)


From: news at
Lines: 14

Okay, so now I face a dilemma.  At work I have this brand new SPARCstation
4 with a lovely 20" monitor.  I downloaded some pictures to use for background
but which do I choose, a picture of Joe or a picture of Kenneth Branagh as
Hamlet?  Decisions, decisions.....

"BLONDE?   Blonde?   You didn't TELL me you were a blonde....."
                                          --Gharlane of Eddore


From: apbtjs at (Aaron P. Brezenski)
Lines: 18

In article <5ead1n$4e4 at>,
 <navoff at> wrote:
>Okay, so now I face a dilemma.  At work I have this brand new SPARCstation
>4 with a lovely 20" monitor.  I downloaded some pictures to use for background
>but which do I choose, a picture of Joe or a picture of Kenneth Branagh as
>Hamlet?  Decisions, decisions.....

You don't have to decide!  This is the digital age-- with a little careful
cutting and pasting, you can have Joe Michael Straczynski as Hamlet! :)

(especially if the Joe picture has moustache and beard prominent...)

Aaron Brezenski
"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there isn't someone out to get me."

Card-Carrying Member of the Illuminati


From: jmsatb5 at AOL.COM (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

"I downloaded some pictures to use for background but which do I choose, a
picture of Joe or a picture of Kenneth Branagh as Hamlet?  Decisions,

To avoid having your system crash, I suggest Branagh....


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