Attn JMS: audio problem during "The Illusion of Truth"

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Feb 20 06:11:40 EST 1997

Subject: Attn JMS: audio problem during "The Illusion of Truth"
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 19, 1997: "PC Skaggs" <pskaggs at>
*  2: Feb 20, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "PC Skaggs" <pskaggs at>
Lines: 53

ATTN ALL: there is some minor spoo running lose below.
If you have not seen "The Illusion of Truth", read
at your own risk.

 As I was watching "The Illusion of Truth" last night,
I noticed a minor audio problem. The problem happens
when the two 'touch here to download' graphics are being
shown during the ISN newscast. Both times that this
graphic is shown a very loud crackling noise can be
heard. The sound is minor when your listening to the
TV speakers, but when you listen to the soundtrack
on a surround sound system, the noise almost makes you
jump thur the roof. The noise is only heard during this 
graphic, all the other graphics shown during the newscast 
do not produce this crackling noise.
 Was this something with the master tape, did my local 
station here in DFW hose this up, or was this caused
by the change back to the analog SAT uplink?
 By the way I'm sorry my last two messages have been about
problems with the show. I very much enjoy watching and
following this great show that you put out for us to
watch. Thanks for taking the time to look this over.
Paul <*> B5-213

p.s. 7 days and counting till we start bitching about
the reruns that are about to start. ;-)


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 8

My guess is it was caused by the downlink, but I'll try to verify.


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