ATTN JMS: Sonic Images and B5 CD vol2

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Feb 23 06:10:01 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: Sonic Images and B5 CD vol2
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 22, 1997: "Jason Wong" <jasonw at>
+  2: Feb 22, 1997: brownlee at (Karen Brownlee)
*  3: Feb 23, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "Jason Wong" <jasonw at>
Lines: 28

Hi Joe.  I just called Sonic Images with their 1-800 number because 
it's been almost 4 weeks now and I haven't yet received my B5 CD 
vol2.  So when I called them, they asked for my name and for how I 
ordered it.  I told them my name was Jason Wong and that I paid by 
money order.  They then told me that all their orders by cheque or 
money order would go out this Monday, so I should call back if I 
haven't gotten it by next week.  This sounded somewhat reassuring, so 
then I asked the lady if they had even received my order yet, because 
I was wondering if Canada Post might have never sent it to them.  She 
replied (somewhat rudely, I might add) "Look, I'm sorry but I really
don't have the time to stop what I'm doing and suffle through a stack 
of papers."  This startled me, but I thanked her anyway and hung up.  

According to the Sonic Images web page, you should receive your order 
within 5 days, but if you don't then call back after 4 weeks.  I'm a 
little concerned that my order never made it to the States (I'm from 
Toronto), so my question is why doesn't Sonic Images have a computer 
system where they can verify if my order has been recieved?

"What are my chances 
 Of honest advances?
 I'd say low.  
 Better to win 
 By admitting my sins 
 Than to lose with a halo." -- Eva Peron in "Evita"


From: brownlee at (Karen Brownlee)
Lines: 46

"Jason Wong" <jasonw at> writes:

I paid by money order too.  Thanks for posting this Jason, I've been 
wondering when I'll receive my copy too.  I was expecting my order to 
take 3-5 weeks anyway so I'm not that worried right now.  (1 - 2 
weeks for payment to get down there, the rest allowing for shipping 
and warehouse delays and such.) 

If you paid by money order, you could put a trace on it to see if it's
been cashed.  I don't know if that's possible with postal MOs (I've 
never used them, but I assume they offer that service) but if you got it 
from your bank then you should have a copy with the serial numbers 
and such on it.  One more thing - tracing can take a few days to a 
week or two depending on where the MO is from. 

Hope this helps! 

>Hi Joe.  I just called Sonic Images with their 1-800 number because 
>it's been almost 4 weeks now and I haven't yet received my B5 CD 
>vol2.  So when I called them, they asked for my name and for how I 
>ordered it.  I told them my name was Jason Wong and that I paid by 
>money order.  They then told me that all their orders by cheque or 
>money order would go out this Monday, so I should call back if I 
>haven't gotten it by next week.  This sounded somewhat reassuring, so 
>then I asked the lady if they had even received my order yet, because 
>I was wondering if Canada Post might have never sent it to them.  She 
>replied (somewhat rudely, I might add) "Look, I'm sorry but I really
>don't have the time to stop what I'm doing and suffle through a stack 
>of papers."  This startled me, but I thanked her anyway and hung up.  

>According to the Sonic Images web page, you should receive your order 
>within 5 days, but if you don't then call back after 4 weeks.  I'm a 
>little concerned that my order never made it to the States (I'm from 
>Toronto), so my question is why doesn't Sonic Images have a computer 
>system where they can verify if my order has been recieved?

Karen Brownlee                      brownlee at
Computing Science V       
University of Alberta               Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 14

"You should have gotten her name and asked to speak to the manager (or
call back later).  I don't think that JMS will be able to do anything
about this -- he doesn't work for or manage Sonic Images."

No, but it never hurts to make a phone call (which I did)...


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