ATTN JMS: Can you elaborate on Netter Digital Press Release?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Feb 27 06:08:15 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: Can you elaborate on Netter Digital Press Release?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 27, 1997: jpfrain at (Jonathan P Frain)
*  2: Feb 27, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jpfrain at (Jonathan P Frain)
Lines: 19

Hi Joe,

	I was at the lurkers guide today and I read todays press release 
by Netter Digital.
	I am very unhappy with what it says.  It states that TNT will air 
88 episodes of B5 starting in January of 1998.  It says NOTHING about the 
possibility of a season 5 or how it would change when the repeats air.
	We first had WB officials calling the stations saying season 4 is 
it.  And now this letter comes out from your company which seems to imply 
there won't be a fifth season.  Can you please explain why this letter 
doesn't mention anything about the possibility of TNT airing 110 episodes 
if season 5 is given the go ahead?

					Jon Frain


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 32

Happy to explain.

"And now this letter comes out from your company which seems to imply
there won't be a fifth season."

NDEI is not my company.  I don't own it, don't work for it, it's entirely
Doug's separate company.  With a stockholder's meeting coming up, he told
his financial PR person to pump out a release to get a little heat
going...and there was the TNT deal to pick up the B5 episodes that clicked
over at 88 episodes.  That is the point at which they can get the show
clean, and there's the two movies for TNT to announce as go projects.  

The financial PR person put this out, rather than the B5 publicists, or
WB, and it never went in front of me or John Copeland.  It just went out. 
That TNT gets access to 88 doesn't preclude a possible season 5, which
could air concurrently, a la the way Lazarus Man did.  

When I came in and found email on this, and saw the release, I raised hell
with Doug about it.  He said "the entire 88 episodes" just refers to
what's solid right now, it doesn't mean it's going to be all there
which I said it could be read that way, and many people *were* reading it
that way, and his person could've saved everyone a lot of hassle if it'd
been run past me first.

One thing's for sure: This Will Never Ever Happen Again.


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