ATTN JMS: Design of Novels' Covers

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Feb 28 06:29:30 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: Design of Novels' Covers
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 27, 1997: ryoung at (Richard Young)
*  2: Feb 28, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: ryoung at (Richard Young)
Lines: 24

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      What are the chances of the publisher choosing a new graphical theme
for the novel covers? The previous covers mistakenly placed the books in a
class unworthy of the subject: main character (B5 station), flanked by
several alien and beautiful woman/heroic captain caricatures, adorned by
dime store typography -- elements straight from Book Graphics 010. 

      There are some amazing graphic artists around. How about Dave McKean?
Peter Gross? Just for starters. From what you¹ve said of the forthcoming
quality books, they deserve to be spotlighted by first class covers.


In B5 We Trust


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 22

"What are the chances of the publisher choosing a new graphical theme
for the novel covers? The previous covers mistakenly placed the books in a
class unworthy of the subject: main character (B5 station), flanked by
several alien and beautiful woman/heroic captain caricatures, adorned by
dime store typography -- elements straight from Book Graphics 010. "

I've been screaming about the covers from day one...and finally just put
my foot down.  "But it helps give us continuity," they say.  "Sure," says
I, "cover 1 is a crappy cover, so let's make a whole LOT of crappy covers
that are all crappy in the same way so we can make 'em consistent."

Jeanne's book is more or less of that mold; the second uses a similar
philosophy but is better rendered; and the third book coming up has
probably the best cover to date, showing the Minbari temple and some great
sketches of Sinclair, Sakai and Cole.


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