ATTN JMS: Whence came Apotheosis ...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Jan 10 06:16:22 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: Whence came Apotheosis ...
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan  8, 1997: nzsvz9 at (Thomas Catsburg)
+  3: Jan 10, 1997: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
*  4: Jan 10, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: nzsvz9 at (Thomas Catsburg)
Lines: 26


Got a leather-bound copy of "The Demolished Man" by A. Bester, and I'm 
tearing through it, and it is the only other work that I've ever read 
that ever used the word "apotheosis".

Abosultely caught me by surprise!

Was it where you first remember seeing that word? Is writing sometimes
like that, where a word, or phrase or combination of words gets tucked
away deep in the dark corners for use ... later ... much later?

Great book, and brings a new meaning to "Peepers" ~ ~ ~ :)
                                        Pseudo-Telepathic Signals
Permission granted by the author for reposting except to Microsoft Network
and CD-Rom distributors like Walnut Creek et al for copyright purposes. :)
Thomas M.P. Catsburg  | You have always been here ...
Sr. Project Engineer  | John Galt : Call your office ...
TPC 116F2 Orange 3216 | Recognized by the B5 fan club as Abrahamo Linconi :)
--Not a GM spokesman----nzsvz9 at BScEE '89A MSMM '92--


From: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
Lines: 28

Jason B. Bell wrote:
> Thomas Catsburg <nzsvz9 at> wrote in article
> <9701081617.AA75557 at>...
> > Joe,
> >
> > Got a leather-bound copy of "The Demolished Man" by A. Bester, and I'm
> > tearing through it, and it is the only other work that I've ever read
> > that ever used the word "apotheosis".
> ><snip>
> I've heard it used on one other TV show.  On an episode of THE TICK earlier
> this season, a character was referred to as "the apotheosis of cool."
> (Soon after, Fox Kid's Network realized the cartoon was secretly being
> aimed at an intelligent grown-up audience, so they took it off the air.)
> Jason B.Bell

  No duh, I love that show.  Fox Kids had a good line up there for a
while, now it just blows.  Fortunately, Comedy Central is airing the
Tick weeknights at 6:00 right now.
Visit Docking Bay 13 -
Brent Schmidt                   TVsBrent at MCS.COM


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 10

Eye are a riter.  Eye read buks and eye remember wurds.  Wurds r my
bizness.  Eye have seen that wurd many, many times. Like in the
dikshonary. Eye read the dikshonary for funn.  Eye likes wurds.


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