ATTN JMS: Legality of burning downloaded clips into CD

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jan 11 06:05:44 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: Legality of burning downloaded clips into CD
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan 10, 1997: Rick Osborne <osborne at>
+  2: Jan 10, 1997: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
*  3: Jan 11, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Rick Osborne <osborne at>
Lines: 21


  I recently visited the ISN Video Clips archive
<> and downloaded about a gig
worth of clips (all of them, if I did it right...) and then burned them
into 2 CDs so that I could carry them around.  My question is: am I allowed
to make copies of these CDs for my friends?  Obviously, I'm not going to
sell them, I was just planning on making copies for a buddy of mine. I'm
not up on my copyright and intellectual property laws so I figured I'd ask
first.  Any comments?  (And would you like copies?)

-Rick Osborne

Rick Osborne / osborne at / Northrop Grumman Corporation
"Having had a personal life, I found it vastly over-rated."
-J. Michael Straczynski, Creator of _Babylon_5_


From: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
Lines: 32

Rick Osborne wrote:
> JMS-
>   I recently visited the ISN Video Clips archive
> <> and downloaded about a gig
> worth of clips (all of them, if I did it right...) and then burned them
> into 2 CDs so that I could carry them around.  My question is: am I allowed
> to make copies of these CDs for my friends?  Obviously, I'm not going to
> sell them, I was just planning on making copies for a buddy of mine. I'm
> not up on my copyright and intellectual property laws so I figured I'd ask
> first.  Any comments?  (And would you like copies?)
> -Rick Osborne

  Oh Lordy, Oh Lordy, have you opened a can of worms.  Certain
individuals around here go crazy about copyright law.  I can only advise
you to duck and cover.
  In the straight legalese, no it's not OK.  But my personal guess would
be that a few would be OK, as long as you didn't go crazy with the
copies, and as long as those friends didn't start making copies.
  BTW - How in the world did you get a decent connection to download all
those clips?  I usually get such a slow connection, that after the first
one, I give up and go somewhere else.
  Probably got a T1 line, or somethin', lucky devil . . .
Visit Docking Bay 13 -
Brent Schmidt                   TVsBrent at MCS.COM


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 11

If the clips were provided by WB, then I imagine it's legal, though again
I'm not an attorney and am speaking off the cuff; if they're grabs off the
broadcast, they're illegal to START with if they're being distributed over
the net, so any secondary use is equally unlawful.


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