ATTN JMS: If WB owns B5, lock, stock, and barrel...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jan 19 06:13:03 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: If WB owns B5, lock, stock, and barrel...
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan 17, 1997: mvp at (Mike Van Pelt)
+  5: Jan 18, 1997: duncan at (Matthew Duncan)
*  6: Jan 19, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: mvp at (Mike Van Pelt)
Lines: 27

In a Compuserve message, JMS said
> I do not personally own B5 in any way, not in copyright,
> licensing, any of that. WB owns all rights.

The thing that bothers me about this is, if WB owns all rights, what
keeps them from deciding to (hitting every nightmare in one scenario)
jettison you and the arc in the middle of Season 4, go to a Perpetual
Franchise format, bring in David Hasselhoff as the new commander and
Pamela Anderson as his second in command, and have half the plots
involve the misadventures of a trio of of precocious moppets watched
over by robotic day-care providers Twikki, C3PO, and that wretched
thing with Roddy McDowell's voice from Disney's "The Black Hole".

One might say "sanity and common sense", and as you've related,
they've been astonishingly "hands-off" ... so far.  But these
*ARE* WB execs we're talking about here.

As B5 starts attracting more attention, I wonder how these exec
are going to react to the realization that it's *over* in 5 years.

Mike Van Pelt         "You can fool too many of the people too
mvp at         much of the time."   --   James Thurber
****WARNING: I complain to your ISP if you send me spam! ******


From: duncan at (Matthew Duncan)
Lines: 44

In article <mvpE45C1s.G01 at>, Mike Van Pelt <mvp at> wrote:
>In a Compuserve message, JMS said
>> I do not personally own B5 in any way, not in copyright,
>> licensing, any of that. WB owns all rights.
>The thing that bothers me about this is, if WB owns all rights, what
>keeps them from deciding to (hitting every nightmare in one scenario)
>jettison you and the arc in the middle of Season 4, go to a Perpetual
>Franchise format, bring in David Hasselhoff as the new commander and
>Pamela Anderson as his second in command, and have half the plots
>involve the misadventures of a trio of of precocious moppets watched
>over by robotic day-care providers Twikki, C3PO, and that wretched
>thing with Roddy McDowell's voice from Disney's "The Black Hole".
>One might say "sanity and common sense", and as you've related,
>they've been astonishingly "hands-off" ... so far.  But these
>*ARE* WB execs we're talking about here.
>As B5 starts attracting more attention, I wonder how these exec
>are going to react to the realization that it's *over* in 5 years.

This is what concerns me about a B5 spin-off.  If the show now becomes too
popular, the anticipated spin-off just may turn into "Moppets in Space".
I guess I don't have much confidence that the successors to B5 will not
turn into Voyager.


>Mike Van Pelt         "You can fool too many of the people too
>mvp at         much of the time."   --   James Thurber
>****WARNING: I complain to your ISP if you send me spam! ******


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 18

"This is what concerns me about a B5 spin-off.  If the show now becomes
popular, the anticipated spin-off just may turn into "Moppets in Space". 
I guess I don't have much confidence that the successors to B5 will not
turn into Voyager."

I created B5.  I didn't create Voyager.  And I have no interest in doing
moppets in space or anywhere else unless I can run a truck over them.

This ain't gonna be a problem.


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