ATTN: George - production scheduling

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Jul 4 13:00:04 EDT 1997

From: davidw.smith at (David W. Smith)
Date: 25 Jun 1997 22:20:12 -0400
Lines: 21

Hi George!

Thanks for all your support on rastb5m! 

A question: If we actually have a season 5 (whether WB or TNT pays for it), how
will the handoff from PTEN (or perhaps Babylonian production) to TNT go?? Won't
you have to *finish* season 5 entirely *and broadcast it* before TNT needs it?
At about one year per month on TNT, won't you need year 5 done and over on your
regular stations, to hand it off to them before the end of month 4 (Jan 18
prequel day + 4 months + some intermediate movie = about 4m. 4d.) ?? 

Elsewise they would do what? Rerun episodes after season 4, waiting for 5 eps? 


David Smith
|    David W. Smith    |    AMD  ARD  ADL   |     DavidW.Smith at    |
|                "... all alone in the night... Babylon5"                 |

From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Date: 1 Jul 1997 18:07:53 -0400
Lines: 27

Hey David-

With all the activity on Season 5 rumors, I guess this might have
already been answered BUT....

The TNT reruns will start in January with the airing of "In the
Beginning", and then roll through the 88 episodes of season 1 thru 4. 
This is independent of anything for Season 5.

The end of Season 4 is contracted to the current outlet channels, so
they will air there.  When Season 4 is over, they will air no more shows
IF the deal with TNT is finalized.

Should there be a deal with TNT for Season 5 the plan is to air S5 on
Monday nights at 10p eastern.  This will overlap the airing of the the
S1 thru S4 package, which will be on 5 days a week at 6p eastern.

Confused? Don't be.  When the deal gets done, we will publish a

All prayers appreciated!

George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5
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