from jms re: foreign markets & seattle

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jul 5 06:19:35 EDT 1997

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 4 Jul 1997 13:49:04 -0400
Lines: 17

Two quickies: 1) I'll be at Westercon in Seattle this weekend, the 4th.

2) I've been flooded by people decrying the notion that since the fifth
year of B5 will only be available on TNT, they won't get it.

Let me clarify this here, and save myself a lot of private mail.

It will only be on TNT ***IN THE UNITED STATES****.  The foreign market is
essential to WB making its bucks on the show.  So of *course* they're
going to make it available in other markets.  The whens I don't know, and
never do, but they're not going to let it go.  It's no different than the
show being available only on PTEN affiliated stations IN THE US.  It has
*nothing* to do with foreign markets.

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