ATTN JMS: B5 Renewed!!!!!!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jul 7 06:07:27 EDT 1997

Unavailable article: Message-ID <Pine.SUN.3.95q.970628040328.20896B-100000 at verdi>

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 28 Jun 1997 19:25:50 -0400
Lines: 18

In 1992, we said this would be a five year story.  Everyone we talked to
laughed at studios, in the press, even a number of fans.  

Except for the ST shows, no SF space series has gone more than 3 seasons
in 30 years.

Everyone said we couldn't do it.  Wouldn't do it.  It was impossible.

Everyone was wrong.

You *can* fight the system.  


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