B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jun 8 06:13:59 EDT 1997

From: "Richard Hendricks" <hendric at>
Date: 8 Jun 1997 00:52:09 -0400
Lines: 19

I had a couple of questions I wanted to ask you, if you have the 

1.  You said that you would have plenty of time to finish 501 before 
the air date.  Does that include the extra time needed for the two 
made-for-TV movies?  (Sorry, I'm about 3 weeks out of sync.  Moved 
and got a new job. Change may be good, but it sure is scary.)

2.  If the zooty-zoot-zoot suits at WB cannot weave the magic needed 
to make Season Five a reality, will 522 have a Season Four intro or a 
Season Five intro? Thanks!
Richard Hendricks   hendric at   Austin, Texas
"Intel has the Pentium, Pro, and II.  Motorola has the 
ColdFire, DragonBall and PowerPC.  It may be Intel 
Inside, but it is Motorola Everywhere Else. And they 
have cooler names for their chips."

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 8 Jun 1997 01:26:20 -0400
Lines: 10

The schedule for 522 is separate and apart from the schedule for the
movies, so there shouldn't be a problem.


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