The Blooper Show Response

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jun 8 06:08:58 EDT 1997

From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Date: 7 Jun 1997 14:41:56 -0400
Lines: 40

I recieved this letter from Dick Clark Productions the other day, and I
share it here with their permission:


Dear Mr. Johnsen:

We deeply regret any confusion or unintentional problems caused by the
deletion of the Babylon 5 bloopers from our last special.  Although we
had every intention of using the bloopers, last minute changes by the
network, and overall time problems with the show, forced us to eliminate
a number of good bloopers at the last minute.

Unfortunately, the TV Guide ad, which our production company was never
shown, was already put to bed at the time of the final edit.  Had we
been aware that the Babylon 5 bloopers were listed in TV Guide, we would
have made every effort to retain them in our show.  We hope to make this
up to you by including Babylon 5 bloopers in our next special.

Again, may we apologize for a situation that was not in our control.  We
look forward to a long future with mutual benefits to both of our shows.


Al Schwartz, Executive Producer/Director
Barry Adelman, Producer/Writer

After all of the posting, we thought you should know.  

George J
CoProd, B5

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