ATTN JMS: Writer's Block

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jun 15 06:14:23 EDT 1997

From: kevin at (Kevin Munoz)
Date: 12 Jun 1997 08:24:56 -0400
Lines: 26

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In article <19970611104200.GAA08080 at>, jmsatb5 at
(Jms at B5) wrote:

> This is probably going to honk off a lot of other writers, but...I've
> never had writer's block.  Never.  Not ever.  Not in the 26 years since I
> started writing seriously at age 17.  My problem has only been in getting
> it all *down*, there's so much to work from.  If I dried up right now on
> stories, what I have in notes alone could probably carry me through the
> next 10 years.

That, I think, explains how you got so damn good (with "the tools", as you've
put it) so damn fast. Practice, practice, practice, they say---and you can't

I wish I could do that...for me, writing is the constant struggle against an
unseen embolism. Sigh.

Kevin Munoz
Tesarta Industries, Inc.
Home of the Gamer's Resource Page

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 14 Jun 1997 20:38:46 -0400
Lines: 23

"That, I think, explains how you got so damn good (with "the tools", as
put it) so damn fast. Practice, practice, practice, they say---and you

Yep.  Especially the Can't Stop part.  I've written an average of 10 pages
per day, every day of the year but 3, since I was 17.  

I also think that working in journalism has helped a great deal; you can't
walk into the office, a story needed by noon, and say, "Y'know, I just
don't feel the muse today."  The next thing you'll feel is your butt on
the concrete sidewalk.  You learn a certain discipline there that has
helped me greatly over the years.


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