ATTN JMS: Writer's Block

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jun 15 06:19:36 EDT 1997

From: Chris Tsirbas <ctsirbas at>
Date: 10 Jun 1997 23:02:52 -0400
Lines: 28


You have discussed the craft of writing quite often in these last four 
years but I have yet to see a direct reference to writer's block.

Given the amount of time you spend writing, and the sheer volume of work 
you have produced in the past few years, I was wondering how you deal 
with this particular problem.

Every writer I know has experienced the problem to some degree or 
another.  Some have found solutions.  Others wait it out, and 
concentrate on something else (e.g. taking care of other chores, playing 
a musical instrument, painting).  Some just stare at the blank screen or 
paper hoping that their minds will clear.

What has been your experience with this problem.

Sincerely yours,

Chris Tsirbas
Knight Commander, Ordo Pantheris
Chief of Mellotron Maintenance, House Mollari

Drink entire, against the madness of crowds.
- Ray Bradbury

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 11 Jun 1997 06:42:34 -0400
Lines: 13

This is probably going to honk off a lot of other writers, but...I've
never had writer's block.  Never.  Not ever.  Not in the 26 years since I
started writing seriously at age 17.  My problem has only been in getting
it all *down*, there's so much to work from.  If I dried up right now on
stories, what I have in notes alone could probably carry me through the
next 10 years.


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