B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jun 16 06:10:25 EDT 1997

From: tonylouviere at (Jude A Louviere)
Date: 13 Jun 1997 15:08:25 -0400
Lines: 18

Dear jms;
   After a year and a half I am finally taking the time to thank you for
creating the first TV show to actually thrill me since I was a kid. I was
a confirmed non-TV watcher until I accidentally stumbled on B5 one night
after I had changed jobs and had the evenings off. The episode was
"Passing Through Gethsemane", and as a Christian I was impressed with how
the issue of faith was treated. With my wife I watched a couple more
episodes, and we finally said "Hey, there's something unusual going on
here." And with that we were hooked.
   With the last couple of episodes it has really become apparent that we
are watching a "novel" unfold. The richness of the story is unprecedented
in television. What impresses me most about B5 is the attention to
detail, in the various plot threads, the character development, and of
course visually. It is obvious that you care very much about this story.
I just wanted to let you know that you have succeeded in whatever it was
you set out to do in telling this tale.
   Thank you.
Tony Louviere

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 14 Jun 1997 20:22:49 -0400
Lines: 10

Thank you, for the kind words and for joining us this season.  I'm glad
you were able to get into the story at this date, which is what I'd been
hoping for.  My best to you and your wife.


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