ATTN: JMS--Production Process, Directors

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Jun 18 06:13:54 EDT 1997

From: schroeder william r <wschroed at>
Date: 13 Jun 1997 20:47:00 -0400
Lines: 14

Best wishes for S5 renewal and Crucade.

I'm curious how you decide to hire new directors.  Presumably you get some
ideas from other executive producers, and probably you have sample tapes
to go on.  But of the many you might choose from, how do you determine who
has the distinctive visual composition and transitional abilities you like
and who has the ability to help actors find the best line readings.  Is
there an interview process?  Do recommendations from other producers count
a great deal?  Do you evaluate sample tapes or do you have an experienced
AD on your show do it and make recommendations? 

Thanks for the best show on television.

Bill Schroeder

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Jun 1997 20:47:59 -0400
Lines: 13

We look at samples of the director's work, first on an assembly of clips,
then at a complete work.  We look for the elements that we emphasize in
the show: a tendency to move the camera, frame for foreground and
background composition, the way he gets performances out of the actors. 
Then we meet the director and see if the director and we seem to be on the
same page in our approaches.  Then we make a gut decision and hire.  


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