Attn: JMS

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jun 23 06:15:08 EDT 1997

From: "A. Safron" <safron at>
Date: 17 Jun 1997 14:39:30 -0400
Lines: 31

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Hello JMS:

My husband and I were fairly impressed with the initial 2-hour movie, but it
wasn't until the series started that we became diehard fans.  Our VCR
is permanently set of Thurs. nites on Channel 50 in Chicago.

As two aging boomers, we feel Bab5 comes closer than anything else to
the science fiction we used to read when we were kids - Heinlein,
Assimov, Zelazny, Bova and Bradbury.

I'm a writer myself, but more toward esoteric fantasy.  I have no
interest in spoilers, as I'd rather watch it on TV.  However, I am
an astrologer.  Would you be willing to give up your birthday
information -maybe even the birthtime?

If you feel it violates you privacy, you wouldn't be the first to
refuse me.  Just thought I'd ask.

We cannot say enough about how much appreciate you
work and think it is the best thing on television.  We look
for to your other projects,as well.  I hear there might be some
movies on cable.  We don't have cable, but if that's true, we'll
get cable.

Many blessings,
Mr. & Mrs.Charles E. Bermngham

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 19 Jun 1997 02:27:36 -0400
Lines: 10

I appreciate the for my birthday, I don't generally spread
that info around, mainly because I don't like to make a big deal out of
it, and prefer to just let it go.


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