ATTN JMS: misquoting yourself

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Jun 26 06:11:22 EDT 1997

From: akosut at leland.Stanford.EDU (Alexei Elias Kosut)
Date: 24 Jun 1997 17:58:01 -0400
Lines: 23


I noticed recently that there have been a couple instances where you've
quoted something one of your characters said in an episode, and attributed
it to the wrong character. Babylon 5 is wonderful, but it slightly nags at
me that you've done this, so I thought I'd say it.

I've noticed this twice, once on the show and once off. In "The Face of
the Enemy", you had Ivanova give the quote (I'm paraphrasing) "The person
is expendable, the job is not" as something Sheridan said. He
didn't. Jeff Sinclair said it, in "War Without End."

The other time was in a recent message here on the Net, where you
attributed the following quote to Ivanova (again paraphrasing): "Every
time somebody says we're becoming a paperless society, I get 10 more
forms to fill out." She didn't say it. Dr. Lillian Hobbes did, in
"Interludes and Examinations."

I must say I love Babylon 5. My favorite show of all time. You do a
wonderful job. I just happened to notice this... you probably just need
some sleep; I know I do... :)

-- Alexei Kosut <akosut at>

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 24 Jun 1997 21:51:37 -0400
Lines: 4

But then, if I did everything perfectly, wouldn't it be boring?

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