Intersections in Real Time ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Jun 26 06:16:22 EDT 1997

From: beresh at (Steve Beresh)
Date: 23 Jun 1997 19:21:49 -0400
Lines: 57

Spoilers for Intersections in Real Time

(no spoilers)

Hi Joe.

Watching IiRT made me feel queasy and pained.  I could practically feel
my heart drop as I watched Sheridan's ordeal unfold.  It was hard to
watch the unfairness of it all and not feel both fury and sadness.

And that was just the teaser.

Which leads me to wonder, what was your reaction to IiRT?  After
finishing production of the episode and you could finally watch it for
its content rather than the process of creating it, what did you think?
Were you at all bothered that it was *your* mind that invented this
sinister and chilling episode?  Any discomfort that your creativity and
intellect is so adept at producing something so dark, so disturbing, and
so unconscionable?  Any identification with the interrogator because you
were so able to put words into his mouth and purpose into his actions?

Just wondering.


Steve Beresh                       *
Dept of Aerospace Engineering      *  "I hate quotations."
University of Texas at Austin      *       --Ralph Waldo Emerson
beresh at        *

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 24 Jun 1997 22:00:50 -0400
Lines: 12

No, I really had no problem with the fact that I had written/could write
it.  The job of the writer is to put himself into the shoes of other
people and write down what they say.  Sometimes you're in good people,
sometimes in bad.  One of my good (and bad) attributes is that I can
always see 3 sides in any two-sided argument; I can shift points of view
to see everyone's perspective plus one nobody'd thought of.  It's great
for playing different sides of an argument or an interrogation in a script
so that both sides speak from what they think is the truth; it's terrible
when someone asks where you want to go eat dinner....

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