ATTN:GEORGE - Slow-mo problems?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Mar 8 06:31:59 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN:GEORGE - Slow-mo problems?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Mar  5, 1997: Ralph Fuhrmann <fuhrmanr at>
*  2: Mar  7, 1997: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>


From: Ralph Fuhrmann <fuhrmanr at>
Lines: 55

Recently I have seen what looks almost like frames being skipped from a 
video playback. I thought I was imagining things until some other  
people on our local mailing list  commented on it. Has there been some 
"choppy video" effect used in places, or is there a possible feed/local 
station problem that I'm not aware of? 

I rewatched "Attonement" to find an example of what I'm talking about.

{Spoiler below for "Attonement">

About 10 minutes before the end, after Delenn finished the first 
dreaming, she laments her 'moment of rage'; Lennier says that she is 
joining with Sheridan to attone for her mistake; at this point she turns 
to him. As she turns one can see a jerkyness to the frame. Looking at it 
frame-by-frame some frames appear as if a split second of the tape was 
played again in reverse, although this could be an artifact of the VCR.

Any illumination you could provide on this matter would be appreciated.

"The universe is run by the complex    |Don't trust TV Guide & Psi Core. 
interweaving of three elements; energy,|Ralph Fuhrmann: B5er and
matter and enlightened self-interest"  |Spacial Heterogenity
G'Kar _Babylon 5_ "Survivors"          |Influenced Trend analyst.


From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Lines: 16


I just pulled the Atonement master and looked at the scene you
mentioned.  I don't see the problem, but that doesn't mean that i doubt
your tape.  There are several ways it could have happened, from uplink
error to downlink error to local affiliate error.  We did experience a
problem in the ISN broadcast recently where the uplink dropped out, and
there was a hold frame during a shot of Dan the Reporterman for 2
frames, but that doesn't appear to be the problem you describe. 

Can you be any more specifc as to symptom?

George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5

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