Attn JMS:New Ships (Spoilers for LoC)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu May 8 06:13:06 EDT 1997

From: TheUndead <bhumph at>
Date: 4 May 1997 15:09:33 -0400
Lines: 41

Spoilers for Lines of Communication...

I was really impressed by the cgi in this episode especially the part
with the skindancing.  Two quick questions if you don't mind:

In comparison to the whitestar, how technologically advanced are those
Drakh ships?  Second, do the Drakh ships use any shadow technology?

From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Date: 7 May 1997 14:13:25 -0400
Lines: 55

Spoiler space for LoC:

The Drakh ships contain quite a few surprises.  Note that the Drakh
emmisary refered to what and who it was as being the same thing. In a
hive mind, it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to imagine that the
mothership would consider it's fleet a primary defense system.

In technology, who is to say who the "lead contractor" was in the Shadow
group.  I think you will find that there is a bit of Shadowtech in the
Drakh, and a bit of Drakh tech in the shadows.  Certainly the Whitestar
crew thought enough of their power to make a plan that would let them
use the patented "getting the hell out of there manouver" without just
zooming away.  

Also important to note is that Delenn believed, after engaging the Drakh
in their exit to safety, that the Whitestars were up to the challenge of
jumping back into the fray with at least a chance of an equal battle. 
I'm sure she would have thought twice about this if she imagined it to
be no more than a heroic gesture.

George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5

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