B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat May 17 06:30:23 EDT 1997

From: ranger27 <jdeboard at>
Date: 14 May 1997 11:55:23 -0400
Lines: 39

Hi Joe,
Thank you very much for coming to MarCon.  I hope you enjoyed it and were 
able to get a little sleep - Columbus, OH is a great place for doing 

I'm the one who walked up to you at the beginning of Friday night's 
blooper showing, while you were standing alone at the back of the room.  
I meant to just say "Hi Joe, welcome to Columbus, great to meet you, 
love B5," but of course turned into Stammering FanGirl in the presence of 
the Great Maker.

I *did* want to say that even if it wasn't for B5, I would still show up 
at any panel you were doing at MarCon, because you were a great help to 
me when I was a new writer and I consider you one of my teachers.  I was 
actually disappointed when you left the columns in Writer's Digest to go 
work on some teevee show!

*Nothing* could have made me miss the Professional Writer's Seminar at 
MarCon on Saturday afternoon - except for my 22-year-old daughter's 
graduation ceremony at Bowling Green State University that *same* 
afternoon.  Ricia Mainhardt is now my literary agent, and on the drive up 
to BG I was rather trying not to think of what I was missing!

If anyone else reading this post was at the Pro Writer's Seminar at 
Marcon, I would love to hear about it.

Anyway, Joe, thanks again for coming to MarCon and for being so patient 
with your fans.  Sometime they'll learn to talk to you without their 
voices shaking!

Hey, get some sleep. 

Janeen S. DeBoard
"Janeen O'Kerry"
LADY OF FIRE, August '96 from Leisure Books

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 17 May 1997 04:42:02 -0400
Lines: 14

Janeen: thanks.  I recall you coming up to me before the presentation,
when I was still lurking in the back of the room.  Thank you for the kind
words, and coming that far.  Me, I wouldn't cross the room to talk to me,
but then I know all my stories by heart by now, so there isn't much

Thanks again.


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