attn: jms Was that a Personal comment in LOC?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun May 18 06:21:09 EDT 1997

From: s-gsmith at MindSpring.COM (Scott G. Smith)
Date: 13 May 1997 23:43:05 -0400
Lines: 28

Dear moderator:
I'm a newbie at posting to a moderated newsgroup, so please excuse my
ignorance(s).  If this has been posted previously, please do not repost to
the group.  You have permission to moderate the post as necessary to meet
guidelines.  I'd like to post to rastb5m the following:

ATTN:  JMS  "Was that a personal comment in LOC?"

Dear Joe - One quote from Sheridan caught my attention at the end of Lines
of Communication, and I wondering if it could be seen as a personal

John to Delenn in old war room:
"Its just that - I'm tired Delenn.  Sometimes I feel as if I've been
carrying this station on my back and crawling through broken glass for the
last three years"

Knowing some of the travails you've gone through in bringing Babylon 5 to
us - the carpal tunnel problems, the dealing with the unknowns of renewal
each year, the situation with PTEN / WB / TNT, not to mention the efforts
required to write the show - these lines struck me as being very personal.
If so, hang in there!  Your work is definately appreciated.

Scott G. Smith

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 17 May 1997 10:45:32 -0400
Lines: 24

""Its just that - I'm tired Delenn.  Sometimes I feel as if I've been
carrying this station on my back and crawling through broken glass for the
last three years"  
Knowing some of the travails you've gone through in bringing Babylon 5 to
us - the carpal tunnel problems, the dealing with the unknowns of renewal
each year, the situation with PTEN / WB / TNT, not to mention the efforts
required to write the show - these lines struck me as being very personal.
If so, hang in there!  Your work is definately appreciated."

(reluctantly)...Yeah...that was a little bit of auctorial
intrusion...sometimes more of what I'm thinking and feeling bleeds out
into the show than I'd intended.  (Watch how many times people in the show
keep complaining about not getting enough sleep, or why won't people let
them sleep, or the like...hadn't realized how often it was going on until
it was pointed out to me...probably because I wasn't getting enough sleep
by half...)


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