to JMS: deconstruction

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 1 06:11:54 EST 1997

From: ssimpson at (Steve Simpson)
Date: 30 Oct 1997 19:03:39 -0500
Lines: 46

I don't know about anybody else but I was depressed after seeing Deconstruction.  JMS, what did you
think the reaction of the viewers would be after seeing the episode?

psuedo spoilers below:
even the ending of the episode was not sufficient to turn it around.  My overriding thought
was after all that (everything that Sheridan/Delenn et al had done) nothing was accomplished.
All of it was wasted.  The way history looked back at them.  The great burn.  A destroyed
civilization.  What a waste.

Steve Simpson
ssimpson at

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 31 Oct 1997 01:32:36 -0500
Lines: 27

It depends on your point of view.

The fact, as I see it, is that no one and nothing will ever solve all of our
 problems at once, now and forever.  People will always be people.  You can't
 wave a magic wand and fix it all.

Yes, there was another war...but had the Shadows not been stopped by our
 characters, there likely wouldn't have been a human race at ALL anymore.  

Yes, there was a war, and many died in tends to happen in war...but the
 nominal right side in it came out on top, which would not have been the case
 but for Garibaldi's simulacra giving them a leg up on things.  

We have had, continue to have, and will always have wars, and grief, and
 struggle...we will climb up and fall down...but each time we climb a little
 higher, and in the end, we *do* build the world that our ancestors would have
 wanted for us...we *do* leave the cradle at last, and we take our place among
 the stars teaching those who follow us.

For my money, that's as happy an ending as we or anyone can ever hope for.


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