B5 is in wonderful company on TNt

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Tue Nov 4 06:23:39 EST 1997

From: "Plain and Simple Cronan" <cronan at DeathsDoor.com>
Date: 2 Nov 1997 15:35:20 -0500
Lines: 13

Seen the TNT's first Monday night Nitro film starring Terry "Hulk" Hogan and
Carl "I can't find work" Weathers _Attack on Devil's Island_ ?

Voyager level entertainment
B5 is in for a glorious time

-- Plain and Simple Cronan, Captain of the USS Megadittos <*>
Do you like Star Trek: DS9? What about Babylon 5? Go to
http://gpgod.home.mindspring.com/B5-Ds9.htm and read the
FAQ on which came first and a couple of other often asked

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Nov 1997 23:29:50 -0500
Lines: 13

>Seen the TNT's first Monday night Nitro film starring Terry "Hulk" Hogan and
>Carl "I can't find work" Weathers _Attack on Devil's Island_ ?

Actually, the set night now for B5 is *Wednesday*, not Monday.


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