ATTN JMS: Are you going to do this again??

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Nov 4 06:18:38 EST 1997

From: babylon at (JB)
Date: 31 Oct 1997 15:34:50 -0500
Lines: 13

	I was wondering, *if* Crusade becomes a reality....

	Are you really going to subject yourself to this Usenet thing
again?  Not only is it tough on you as far as the hours you keep, but
this isn't exactly joyride either.
	I love to come here and read your posts.  But we all know,
after years of reading some of the things posted here by others, that
Usenet can be a little bit like stepping "Into The Fire"...

Jeff Bauer
Keeper of Jeff's Babylon 5 Update Page

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 31 Oct 1997 21:02:39 -0500
Lines: 24

>	I was wondering, *if* Crusade becomes a reality....
>	Are you really going to subject yourself to this Usenet thing
>again?  Not only is it tough on you as far as the hours you keep, but
>this isn't exactly joyride either.

Not as much, no.  

I promised I'd stay online in a major way as long as the show was being
 broadcast to continue the online experiment...but once that's done, I've
 already decided that I have to pull back and not be as substantive a presence
 as I've been until now.

I won't get off altogether -- I'm an onliner and have been since 1985 and I'm
 too old and cranky to start making major changes to my lifestyle now -- but
 some of the destructiveness of some of the stalkers out there has taken a real
 toll on me over the years.  So I'll still be *around*, here and there, but not
 as constant or major a way as present.


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