The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 8 06:26:29 EST 1997

From: "Mark Dowling" <dowlingm at>
Date: 6 Nov 1997 00:31:52 -0500
Lines: 35

Spoilers for The Deconstruction of Falling Stars.

When Sinclair referred the sun going cold and burning out in Season 1 in
the ISN interview, was he prescient or was Desconstruction mapped out then?

PS Enjoyed the IRC on SCIFI Con 2.0 the other night...

Mark Dowling

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 6 Nov 1997 23:41:18 -0500
Lines: 10

>When Sinclair referred the sun going cold and burning out in Season 1 in
>the ISN interview, was he prescient or was Desconstruction mapped out then?

One needn't be's *going* to happen one day.

And to the second half...yeah, Deconstruction (or at least the events that
 would go into it)  was mapped out back then.  

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