Zathra not be liking Portishead

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 21 06:25:06 EST 1997

From: "Anne Green" <annemarie_g at>
Date: 17 Nov 1997 11:46:07 -0500
Lines: 22

Zathra hear brother Zathras recommend new music.  Zathra remember 
Zathras say Squirrel Nut Zippers be good.  Mostly Zathra never listen to 
Zathras, but this time Zathra believe.  Zathra buy CD and Zathra be 
liking very much.  Life on Epsilon 3 made better with good sounds.  
Zathra grateful.  

Zathra next is buying Portishead.  Zathra put CD in player, and dog of 
Zathra is starting to howl.  Zathra is rarely ever hearing such terrible 
noises.  Zathra is now looking for Zathras.  Zathra wants to be giving 
Zathras very big wedgie.  

Zathra be more careful in future.     

Anne Green

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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 20 Nov 1997 09:24:19 -0500
Lines: 20

>Zathra next is buying Portishead.  Zathra put CD in player, and dog of 
>Zathra is starting to howl.  Zathra is rarely ever hearing such terrible 
>noises.  Zathra is now looking for Zathras.  Zathra wants to be giving 
>Zathras very big wedgie.  

Zathras say Zathras has tin ear.  Zathras say Zathras behind times.  Zathras
 would say "feh" but Zathras not having background in Early Eastern European
 and Yiddish vocabularies would be stretching credulity.  Zathras not like
 stretching credulity, always snaps back and hits poor Zathras in the face.

But Zathras understand.  Many different kinds of music in universe, not all
 Zathras like.  Is why there are nine of us.  All have different opinions, all
 speak opinions, all good people.

One has tin ear.


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