ATTN JMS: Directing creativity and richness in CGI

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 21 06:30:07 EST 1997

From: Barry Chalmers <barryc at>
Date: 19 Nov 1997 14:35:49 -0500
Lines: 11

One of the aspects of Babylon-5 that has continued to impress me,
is the appropriate creativity evident in the CGI.  B5 seems to portray
well the complexity and diversity that would exist in a real future.

I was interested in how you're able to direct the CGI creations to
match the story so well.  They would work from scripts I'd expect -
are there story boards you use as well? How much lead time does all
that CGI creative process need?

Barry Chalmers

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 20 Nov 1997 09:48:30 -0500
Lines: 19

>I was interested in how you're able to direct the CGI creations to
>match the story so well.  They would work from scripts I'd expect -
>are there story boards you use as well? How much lead time does all
>that CGI creative process need?
Sometimes there are storyboards, based on what's in the script, if it's a very
 complex sequence.  Usually, it's shot for shot what's in the script, though
 the animators find ways to visualize that in creative and exciting ways,
 making it dynamic.

Each numbered scene calling for CGI is done individually, then sent back for my
 and John Copeland's approval.  Usually that means just saying yes, but
 sometimes we ask for adjustments.  

It takes about 52 days to finish all the CGI for one episode.

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