Attn JMS:illegal ranger pins?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 22 06:11:02 EST 1997

From: Carole Pergunas <pergunas at>
Date: 18 Nov 1997 11:13:42 -0500
Lines: 19

When I was in Blackpool in July I saw that a couple of dealers had ranger 
pins for sale.  Having lusted after a pin since "Matters of Honour" I 
bought two but it didn't occur to me until I read some posts here about 
ranger pins that these might be infringing upon a copyright.  I respect 
your views on the subject so I am asking...are these (handmade) pins ok 
to have and wear with pride or are they actually nasty things which are 
burning a hole in my moral fiber and as such should be cast away into the 
On another matter,
Thank you for creating Babylon5.  Its a great ride.
p.s. is it still wierd for you to see your words in someone else's sig?

Someone dies.  Someone nearly dies.   Someone is reborn.
Someone takes a fall.  Lots of things blow up. Something 
really big blows up.  Hearts are broken.  Love is found, 
possibly too late.  And there are equal measures of hope 
and great despair.                             BABYLON 5

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 19 Nov 1997 14:54:13 -0500
Lines: 13

Yes, the Ranger pins are illegal, pirate merchandise.  Also crap, from what
 I've seen.

We're moving as fast as we can to get high-quality pins out there to cut the
 knees out from under the crooks.  Earth Alliance pins are now available
 through, and the Psi Corps pins just came in.  We hope to have
 Ranger pins soon, though they will be a little more costly since they're huge
 and require a great deal of work to produce if they're going to look like what
 they're supposed to be.  

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