Official Guide to B5 CD Rom

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Nov 24 06:19:43 EST 1997

From: idtn at (IDTN)
Date: 21 Nov 1997 13:18:22 -0500
Lines: 5

This is just a question for anyone who might know the answer...

Why does the babcom unit never work?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 23 Nov 1997 14:19:53 -0700
Lines: 10

>Why does the babcom unit never work?

It's broken.  But what it does now is let you eavesdrop on what's going on. 
Click on the Babcom screen, and you get .wav files from some of the more
memorable lines of the show.

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