ATTN JMS: Don't hate us spoiler junkies!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Oct 3 06:27:03 EDT 1997

From: dianekde at (Diane K De)
Date: 2 Oct 1997 14:20:42 -0400
Lines: 19

>I understand what you're saying on one level...but you have to understand
> for every person who reads the spoilers just to savor what's coming, I get
> who use it to jump funky on me and complain about what's coming before
> it.
>So you might understand why I get a bit cranky about this issue.
> jms
You're implying at least  50/50 ratio of reasonable people like Alison to the
 jerks who jump ugly on you.  As a spoiler junky who find's Alison's
 description of savoring and enjoying spoilers a perfect reflection of my own
 feeling about them, I have doubts about your numbers.  I would say the jerks
 are a minority, albeit a very annoying one.

Diane D.(member of the silent spoiler junkie minority)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Oct 1997 21:05:29 -0400
Lines: 11

>You're implying at least  50/50 ratio of reasonable people like Alison to the
> jerks who jump ugly on you.  

Okay, okay...math not Zathras strength....


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