ATTN JMS: Don't hate us spoiler junkies!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Oct 3 06:39:54 EDT 1997

From: Alison Weinstock <weinwalk at>
Date: 2 Oct 1997 00:07:22 -0400
Lines: 20

You usually hear from people who complain about something they read in a
spoiler. I'd like to say a few words in behalf of those of us who LOVE
spoilers! I'm the sort of person who likes to see or read something over and
over, so learning plot details doesn't interfere with my enjoyment at all.

Instead, I'd liken reading spoilers to stepping into the kitchen and
smelling dinner cooking. You breathe in the aroma deeply; your mouth waters
and your anticipation quickens! It may smell so familiar you're pretty sure
what dinner will be, or it may be less so and you are puzzled - but there
are always unexpected pleasures in the meal itself! And so you enjoy the
aroma, and wonder.

To my mind, it makes NO sense to start arguing about dinner from just
smelling the kitchen. You've got to EAT the meal to judge it!

But from the spoilers I've read, what we have in store for us smells
delicious, and I can't wait for the feast!


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Oct 1997 06:22:02 -0400
Lines: 9

I understand what you're saying on one level...but you have to understand that
 for every person who reads the spoilers just to savor what's coming, I get 1-2
 who use it to jump funky on me and complain about what's coming before seeing

So you might understand why I get a bit cranky about this issue.

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