ATTN JMS: (Spoilers) 419 Question

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Oct 6 06:14:57 EDT 1997

From: dianekde at (Diane K De)
Date: 5 Oct 1997 12:08:27 -0400
Lines: 36

Spoilers for Episode 419:
There.  Now that this excellent episode has been downloaded off the satellite,
 I have one question that is bothering me.  The transition from Sheridan
 getting rescued and disturbingly pumping that guard with multiple shots to his
 showing up on that Minbari ship seemed kind of abrupt.  Was there a scene
 between Garibaldi and Sheridan on Mars that got cut, unfortunately, due to
 lack of time?

I know with only 44 minutes of airtime per show, you can't show *everything*
 and this was one tightly packed episode.

Diane Denesowicz

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 5 Oct 1997 21:42:23 -0400
Lines: 6

Yes, there was a small scene that got cut for time.

Good catch.

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