City of Sorrows - Great Job Kathryn!!!!!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Oct 7 06:26:28 EDT 1997

From: Boris Skrbic <ibctel at>
Date: 6 Oct 1997 17:51:21 -0400
Lines: 26

Dear Joe,

Just wanted to ask you to pass on my congrats to your wife on "To Dream in
the City of Sorrows." Being interested in the Minbari, I've often asked
myself what it would feel like to actually live on Minbar, and the novel
does a wonderful job of taking one through every aspect of daily life on
Minbar while telling a story in the process, a story which, with all its
vague references such as "travelling beyond" of Valen and juxtapositions
with Earth literature, is worthy of being a genuine B5 episode. What is
especially remarkable about it is Mrs. Drennan's incredible attention to
detail - by that I mean the relative date prefixes such as "almost", "little
over", over etc, most of which are perfectly consistent with the show (I'm
not sure about a part of the early 2259 chronology, and Sinclair is stated
as missing for 48 hours rather than 24, but otherwise it's perfectly
correct). I don't know if you've noticed this, but if one takes the Arisia 3
"twice the size" of Earth statistic as meaning twice the volume, it works
out to a little over 2-G. I sincerely hope Mrs. Drennan will be able to do
another one of these. 


P.S. Why don't those Minbari beds have a built-in horizontal function? I'm
sure it's *sometimes* necessary to have them straight :) I know ... those
aliens ... never do what we'd like 'em to.     

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 6 Oct 1997 21:00:17 -0400
Lines: 19

>Sinclair is stated
>as missing for 48 hours rather than 24, but otherwise it's perfectly

That was a typo we *both* missed...

> I don't know if you've noticed this, but if one takes the Arisia 3
>"twice the size" of Earth statistic as meaning twice the volume, it works
>out to a little over 2-G. 

Yeah, she transposed the mass figures when she was putting it all down, and
 hopes to correct this and the above in the next printing.


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