JMS: Shorter filming time?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Oct 13 06:14:10 EDT 1997

From: Troy_Heagy at
Date: 12 Oct 1997 13:24:20 -0400
Lines: 19


I heard that Mira Furlan has been commenting about the shorter filming time of 
season 5 (6 days instead of 7 days per episode) and that she feels she does not 
have time to properly rehearse.  

What do you think?  Do you feel the shorter time might affect the quality?  Do 
you have any control over the schedule?

Troy :)
                   ________         My fave SF shows:
     2-           |   _____]        1) Babylon 5
    time          |  | ___          2) Star Trek a) DS9 b) TNG
   Sci-Fi         |__|[_  \         3) Red Dwarf
 Achievement  B  A _B  Y\ L\ O  N   4) Quantum Leap
   Awards         (  \__/  |        5) Star Trek
   Winner          \______/         6) Dr. Who
                  A TV NOVEL        (TNT: Jan 4: 8pm EST)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Oct 1997 20:22:23 -0400
Lines: 31

>I heard that Mira Furlan has been commenting about the shorter filming time
>season 5 (6 days instead of 7 days per episode) and that she feels she does
>have time to properly rehearse.

I find that an odd statement, since the time to rehearse is still the same.  I
 directed "Sleeping in Light" in 6 days, and we never had a problem with
 rehearsal time.  Besides, most actors rehearse while other scenes are
 shooting, running their lines.  So again, I don't know what she's referring to

Re: shooting time...yes, we went from 7 days to 6 days, which is an increase of
 only about 1 page per day.  (Our shooting scripts are only about 42 pages, so
 you're going from about 6 pages per day to 7 pages.)  There were several
 reasons for this, one financial, but more important, TNT wants to run all the
 S5 episodes STRAIGHT THROUGH WITHOUT BREAKS.  22 episodes in 22 weeks.

Now, the first few aren't a problem, because you're looking at January and we
 started filming in August.  Six months.  And it takes 52-65 days for
 post-production work for each episode.  (Note: I'm not including 501, which we
 had to rush through to air in 422's place.)  But there's a heck of a lot LESS
 time between when we finish 522, and when we air it.  So we have to make sure
 we can get all the episodes done in time.

Frankly, I don't see that it's made that much difference.  If I could direct in
 6 days, anybody can.  And the prep time for the director is the same, so that
 hasn't changed at all.  

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