ATTN JMS: 8 minutes? IIRT & BTD&TL spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Oct 13 06:19:11 EDT 1997

From: csteeds at (Clinton W Steeds)
Date: 12 Oct 1997 13:42:09 -0400
Lines: 48

Spoilers may follow:

No spoilers in the original post, but a response might have them . . . .


At Defcon 4 in Tulsa, you mentioned that you had included eight minutes in
Intersections in Real Time which you pulled and added to Between the Darkness
and the Light.  Now that both episodes have aired, I hoped you might indulge
my curiosity by telling me which eight minutes.  I have some Idea, but I would 
like to know. 

Incidentally, I hope you're feeling better now.  If it makes you feel any 
better, you did an excellent job with a crowd that was somewhat on the 
rowdy side, and all that while unable to bend down to tie your own shoes.
I was thrilled to get to meet you and Peter David on the same day.  BTW, 
in case this interests you at all, Timothy Zahn had some very nice 
things to say about B5.  I've never been a big fan of his novels, but he
propsed some interesting ideas in the SW vs. ST debate (a debate where
the uninvited Babylon 5 pretty much won hands down).  

Clinton Wade Steeds 
(csteeds at

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Oct 1997 20:25:15 -0400
Lines: 11

>At Defcon 4 in Tulsa, you mentioned that you had included eight minutes in
>Intersections in Real Time which you pulled and added to Between the Darkness
>and the Light.  Now that both episodes have aired, I hoped you might indulge
>my curiosity by telling me which eight minutes. 

The Garibaldi material through the map sequence with Number One was originally
 in "Intersections."  It got shunted over to 419 when 418 ran 7-8 minutes long,
 and 419 ran 8 minutes short.

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