Endgame ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Thu Oct 16 06:15:38 EDT 1997

From: kevin at klyda.faxinter.com (Kevin Lyda)
Date: 15 Oct 1997 01:05:53 -0400
Lines: 82

Spoilers for Endgame

Trav1701 (trav1701 at aol.com) wrote:
: In article <tHlQ00O5IMlW091yn at teleport.com>, larryc at teleport.com (Larry
: Caldwell) writes:

: Spoilers for next week?

: >Yup.  Gotta be the dumbest line ever voiced on B5.  I guess Sheridan's
: >lasers musta run out of bullets, so there's nothing for it but to stoke
: >the boilers and send her to the bottom.  Ew, ik, retch, gag.

: Weapons system can be hit to be taken off line how many times had Sharidan
: given orders to disable only the weapons to keep from killing EFers that
: are only following orders.

exactly.  i've seen/heard a few people grouse about this and my take
on the complaint is that it's yet another way to take a potshot at
sheridan.  the *pilot* of b5 has sinclair discussing his intent to
ram the minbari.  precedence has been set on that point.  and if my
guess on the real motive for the grouse, it's deliciously ironic.

: >I'm hoping against hope the ep isn't as nauseating as the preview.  Maybe
: >the Minbari break out in giggles right after Sheridan delivers that line?

: Isn't he on the Aggie when he gave that order there are no Minbari on that
: ship.

and if there were minbari there, i'm sure they wouldn't be surprised
or giggling.  earth force ships (besides sinclair's) had been running
kamakazi missions against the minbari towards the end of the war (if
i'm remembering quotes correctly).

there were things to criticize in ep one of the ff, but that preview
line doesn't seem unrealistic.  (and since sheridan was ordering his
suicide, i didn't think it was overly dramatic either.)


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 15 Oct 1997 20:46:38 -0400
Lines: 44

>Trav1701 (trav1701 at aol.com) wrote:
>: In article <tHlQ00O5IMlW091yn at teleport.com>, larryc at teleport.com (Larry
>: Caldwell) writes:

>: >Yup.  Gotta be the dumbest line ever voiced on B5.  I guess Sheridan's
>: >lasers musta run out of bullets, so there's nothing for it but to stoke
>: >the boilers and send her to the bottom.  Ew, ik, retch, gag.

As long as I'm being cranky (it's 4:30 a.m. and I'm entitled)...I see you based
 this reaction off the teaser.

Y'know, you might actually want to see the episode, and put this in context,
 before calling it "the dumbest line ever voiced in B5" and making fun of
 "running out of bullets."

Spoiler info....


Now...next time...maybe you'll wait and actually *see* the thing before you
 judge something?

Or am I expecting too much?

Y'know...Morgan and Wong from X-Files used to be on the nets a lot, and they
 got out because they were driven to despair by the casual, callous cruelties
 of people who judge harshly and without any kind of information...Mira was on
 for a while, and isn't on anymore, because she says people are just casually
 cruel, they bitch about things that aren't even true half the time.

I know a lot of others, actors and producers, who just don't want to put up
 with this crap.

Some days, I don't blame them.  Some days, I think I'd like to join them.

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