ATTN JMS: Effects in "Endgame" *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Oct 16 06:20:39 EDT 1997

From: Matt Thompson <m_thompson at>
Date: 15 Oct 1997 01:40:09 -0400
Lines: 48

Spoiler Space...

Joe, like everyone else is saying..."Endgame" was an excellent episode. 
However, one thing I noticed is that the surface "shots" of Mars done by
your special effects people were beautiful.  Much, much, much better
than any other Mars shot you have done.  And, I am including the great
integration of moving figures on the graphics and the nice shots of the
shuttles leaving.  Far and away the best effects that I think Netter
Digital Imaging has done.

One thing long did it take too render the Mars exterior
shots used throughout "Endgame"?

Matt Thompson
"And isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony, anyway?  I mean, 
all you get is one trick, rational thinking.  But when you're good 
and crazy, ooh ooh ooh, the sky's the limit!" -- The Tick

"You're not going crazy, you're going sane in a crazy 
world!" -- The Tick
Matt Thompson -- mailto:m_thompson at

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 15 Oct 1997 21:01:39 -0400
Lines: 24

>However, one thing I noticed is that the surface "shots" of Mars done by
>your special effects people were beautiful.  Much, much, much better
>than any other Mars shot you have done.

Thanks...actually, most of the prior mars shots were done by an outside
 contractor, who's been doing such shots for the history of the show.  NDEI's
 boys wanted a chance to do them, and did so.

>And, I am including the great
>integration of moving figures on the graphics and the nice shots of the
>shuttles leaving.

Yeah, they're not bad...we still need to improve a bit on the movements, and
 the camera still moves a bit too fast, which gives it that computer-y
 feel...but overall, not bad.

>One thing long did it take too render the Mars exterior
>shots used throughout "Endgame"?
Quite a lot, I understand.

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